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New Poem: Plant yourself in Christ
By Polly Castor on July 10, 2016Read moreBe green and supple, fresh and growing, for heaven is like a watered garden.
00Emmet Fox Quote: God Has No Office Hours
By Polly Castor on July 6, 2016Read moreIf you turn to God in prayer, without tension, without vehemence, but quietly, steadily, and persistently, results will come.
Book Review: Gilead (& Quote About the Fifth Commandment)
By Polly Castor on June 27, 2016Read moreThis work of fiction requires some quiet, as well a slow pace, to take it in.
My Newspaper Article: Finding Each Person’s Unique Brand of Specialness
By Polly Castor on June 8, 2016Read moreIn my spiritual journey, I have learned that while all people are definitely equal, each one is unique too.
Annual Meeting 2016
By Polly Castor on June 6, 2016Read moreHere is some of the inspiration from Annual Meeting...