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Hate No One
By Polly Castor on January 29, 2017Read moreThe present is ours; the future, big with events. Every man and woman should be to-day a law to...
00Eternal Truth is Changing the Universe
By Polly Castor on January 22, 2017Read moreThere is nothing outside of infinity, and ultimate, changeless Truth is infinite. How can there be something else that...
Today’s Newspaper Article by Me: Why Christian Science Got into Journalism
By Polly Castor on January 21, 2017Read moreAssigned with the day after the inauguration and the day of the Women's March on Washington, this is...
Famous Emmet Fox Quotes
By Polly Castor on January 15, 2017Read more"Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...
Patient People Dare
By Polly Castor on January 12, 2017Read morePatient living means to live actively in the present and wait there. That, indeed, is a very radical stance...