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No Personality (Quote by Mary Baker Eddy)
By Polly Castor on March 2, 2025Read moreYour lifelong mistake has been your strong sense of personality.
11Courage (Quote by Edward Everett Norwood)
By Polly Castor on February 23, 2025Read moreIt is foolish and sinful to doubt the goodness and power of God.All of good is everywhere, never divided...
Be Blameless (Deep Think #28)
By Polly Castor on February 16, 2025Read moreBlameless means to be innocent, without fault. How many of us feel that way?
Recent Pages in My Bible Lesson Journal
By Polly Castor on February 12, 2025Read moreI find the process of journaling while I study really helpful for making it my own. Plus it makes...
Thoughts about Truth (A Few Short Quotes by Mary Baker Eddy)
By Polly Castor on January 26, 2025Read moreI think this is what we need right now.