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Foggy Morning in Stonington, Maine
By Polly Castor on July 30, 2013Read moreHere are photos from my morning walk in Stonington, Maine. This is a working town of lobster fisherman, and...
00Our Daughter at the College of the Atlantic
By Polly Castor on July 29, 2013Read moreYesterday, I dropped off our younger daughter for the two week “Islands through Time” program at the College of...
Photos from my New Walk Route
By Polly Castor on July 23, 2013Read moreRecently, I shared photos from my walk around my neighborhood that I’ve done for years. I like that walk...
Photos of New Pond Farm Shakespeare 2013
By Polly Castor on July 21, 2013Read moreEach year, New Pond Farm puts on a wonderful Shakespeare play after a three week camp for middle schoolers and early...