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July 2014 Bits and Clips
By Polly Castor on July 31, 2014Read moreHere are the articles, blogs, podcasts and videos from this month that I felt were worth sharing. I hope...
00James McNeil Whistler Quote
By Polly Castor on July 20, 2014Read moreWhere do all true artists create from?
My Newspaper Article on Forgiveness
By Polly Castor on July 14, 2014Read moreThroughout my life I have had many opportunities to forgive people. My indispensable go-to approach in these situations is...
Rose-Hulman’s Operation Catapult Engineering Camp
By Polly Castor on July 2, 2014Read moreToday I picked our younger daughter up at Rose-Hulman’s Operation Catapult Engineering Camp, located in Terre Haute, Indiana....