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A Cow in the Back Yard: April Fools
By Polly Castor on April 1, 2009Read moreApril Fool’s day is a silly tradition. When not celebrated with the release of a damaging new computer virus...
00Hope for the Ocean’s Seafood
By Polly Castor on March 29, 2009Read moreThis entry is a follow up to yesterdays’ entry on overfishing which you can read here if you missed...
Move Over Rudyard Kipling
By Polly Castor on March 20, 2009Read moreI promise I won’t be doing this that often. I’m equally proud of all of my wonderful children. It...
Thoughts About Cross Pollination of Ideas and Butterfly Chasing
By Polly Castor on March 2, 2009Read moreAlexander Graham Bell was attempting to invent a hearing aid. Columbus was trying to get to India. Post-its were...
My New Poem: Nipping it in the Bud?
By Polly Castor on March 1, 2009Read moreNipping it in the Bud? love an opening bud tentative, unsure is it safe? trust experience: so disappointing, so...