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Sandy Hook Elementary School Killings
By Polly Castor on December 14, 2012Read moreYes, that’s Newtown, a beautiful, idyllic part of my own community – the kind of place horrible things don’t...
40Gratitude Requires Action
By Polly Castor on December 9, 2012Read moreI wrote the piece below for a newspaper column spot for the Saturday following Thanksgiving, but by mistake it...
Mindfulness with a Teenager
By Polly Castor on December 3, 2012Read moreI’ve been marinating in proximity to teenagers for eight years now with only four more years to go: but...
All the Kids Home for Thanksgiving
By Polly Castor on November 22, 2012Read moreOur refrigerator is crammed; yes, that’s seven pounds of butter you see, and four dozen eggs. All the kids...
Our Power Restored by a Crew from Alabama
By Polly Castor on November 2, 2012Read moreWe spent all day watching this wonderful crew of five who came all the way from Alabama with multiple...