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Three New Paintings in my Artist Journal
By Polly Castor on January 6, 2022Read moreWhich one do you like best?
60Hard Edges and Fiber Art Inspiration (Art by Others)
By Polly Castor on December 19, 2021Read moreTo not limit your expression to the expectations of peers in your medium, sometimes it is best to look...
Two New Small Mixed Media Paintings
By Polly Castor on December 15, 2021Read moreMy art goals for the next while are to work smaller and try all sorts of new things.
Susan Newbold: Featured Artist (Her New Show and New Book)
By Polly Castor on December 7, 2021Read moreI particularly love her sea scapes and organic shapes.
Show Hung at White Silo Winery for December
By Polly Castor on December 3, 2021Read moreI'm pleased to report that 17 paintings are hung in the White Silo Winery in Sherman CT for the...