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Progress in my Concertina Sketchbook (Sketchbook Ideas #6)
By Polly Castor on December 8, 2022Read moreI've been having a lot of fun adding color to my black and white start in my concertina sketchbook!
10Recent Artist Journal Pages
By Polly Castor on December 5, 2022Read moreThis kind of exploratory, low stakes work keep me in the flow.
A Change of Plans (New Abstract Pastel)
By Polly Castor on December 2, 2022Read moreSometimes you need to change your plans and it’s all about a graceful pivot.
Simon Pooley (Featured Artist)
By Polly Castor on November 28, 2022Read moreI admire his use of open space, which is unlike so much of my work that is busier and...
Art Supplies (Book Review with Quotes, Contacts, and Photos)
By Polly Castor on November 22, 2022Read moreThis is one of the best books I read this year. I endorse it with a hearty five stars!