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Featured Artist: Robert Baribeau
By Polly Castor on June 10, 2013Read moreThis abstract artist has a show in New York City at the Allan Stone Gallery from now until July...
00Art by Robert Sauber
By Polly Castor on June 2, 2013Read moreRobert Sauber is an accomplished artist who did the paintings of the New Pond Farm cows below. You can check...
I’m in this New Pond Farm Art Show
By Polly Castor on June 1, 2013Read moreI’m in this charming New Pond Farm Art Show. You can see the whole invitation at the bottom, and if...
My New Landscape Pastel Step by Step
By Polly Castor on May 28, 2013Read moreI did this pastel last weekend. It is 11” x 14” and titled Summer Shade with Lyla. I took...
Featured Artist: Sonia Agosti
By Polly Castor on May 22, 2013Read moreI have been enjoying this artwork by Italian artist Sonia Agosti. I love the vigorous swipes of paint and the...