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New Oil Pastel: Cup Bearer to a Persian King
By Polly Castor on February 22, 2014Read moreI painted this 11" x 14" work in oil pastel. This approach to oil pastel is original, and is...
00My New Abstract Painting: Locomotion
By Polly Castor on February 17, 2014Read moreThis abstract painting titled “Locomotion” explores the idea that we have superimposed manmade speed and noise over the...
I Painted These Two Still Lifes
By Polly Castor on February 11, 2014Read moreAs part of my New Year’s project, I’m giving myself some self-directed painting exercises. Since I am a photographer,...
Featured Artist: Birger Sandzen
By Polly Castor on February 8, 2014Read moreI absolutely love the work of Sven Birger Sandzen. The painting above is my favorite of his, with a...
New Collage: The Silk Road
By Polly Castor on February 1, 2014Read moreThis one-of-a-kind collage was done merging hand painted silk with a wide range of papers, all encased in archival...