Honoring Libby

Honoring Libby

Libby Skala

I am surprised and devastated that one of our favorite our shining lights, Libby Skala, unexpectedly passed on last Sunday after a sudden illness. 

Libby was a close friend of mine over many decades. We have shared hotel rooms, long car rides, each other’s homes and hearts. I was her friend before she started her plays, before she met and married Steve, and before we frequently went together to Creative Arts Camp. I’ve have seen all her plays multiple times. I know and love her family as well. The Austrian Cookies I posted this fall are her family’s recipe. She has been embedded in my life and I always hoped to see her more, not less.

Her passing on makes no sense to me because I know we are all clad in the panoply of Love, never vulnerable to anything unlike God. I also know that God is her Life, as well as ours, and continues on. Her buoyancy, purity, vibrant energy, curiosity, faith, loyalty, dramatic creativity, musicality, sparkling mischievousness, deep earnestness, and willingness to share her soul, live on undiminished, and we can’t be without that.

I cherish every meaningful conversation we had and there were many. How wonderful it is to have a friend that skips the small talk! I am so grateful we knew her, and that she gave us so much of her heart, including a summary of her career during her most recent artist-in-residency talk at camp. I’m a total fan and am filled with gratitude at the opportunity of knowing her.

As one of you blog readers wrote me, “If there is anyone who could for me MOST  DEFY  the concept of death—-it would be Libby.   I only met her last summer… but was instantly in awe of her fullness of love, life, joy, beauty, LIGHT, childlikeness, fun, exuberance and LOVE OF LIFE.   It felt as though I had known her forever!!!   She is simply tooooo filled with good, love and life to ever be touched by anything less.  She inspires all of us to honor her by filling our own lives more consistently with all of our own beautiful qualities.” So right. Thank you.

Attached in this post are some of my favorite photos of Libby. My condolences go out to all of you too out there that knew this exceptional soul. She has often graced the posts on this blog, and totally, irrevocably, blessed my life.




I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Kami 5 years ago

    What a lovely, wonderful woman. She blessed so many!

  2. Helene Schutz 5 years ago

    Dear Polly

    Can you tell me what the cause of Libby’s sudden demise was? She performed Lila for my woman’s group in November; we loved her and wanted her to return and perform her other works. We are shocked and saddened because it was so sudden. She was gifted and had a translucent quality; all who saw her perform that afternoon connected to her as both person and actor. Numerous attempts to leave phone messages and letter have not been responded to. Thank you.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      I’ll reach out separately. I agree it was quite a shock.

  3. De Ann Odom 5 years ago

    Dearest Polly,
    Thank you so much for this beautiful tribute to lovely Libby! Would you be so kind as to contact me privately as you did Helene? I and another old friend of Libby’s (Carolyn) would also like to know exactly what happened to our dear, old friend. Like everyone, we were stunned by her sudden passing, and we also haven’t been able to find any answers so I’m hoping you can help us. Libby’s loss is great and her reach was deep throughout the world. Libby, Carolyn, and I go back to our medieval faire days in Seattle. Carolyn and I both live in Los Angeles now, but we were in touch with Libby many times over the years after we all left the NW. Thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from you!

  4. Neil 4 years ago

    What a shock! Just randomly I stumbled on Libby Skala online, and was dismayed to learn of her passing. So young, vivacious, talented, a beautiful being. It’s distressing to find out especially about one who was in her prime. My condolences to her family. Libby and I knew each other socially, from Church at 10 West 68 Street, and went to lunch a few times…I know she liked Japanese. And of course I saw her performances, and even some of her work in progress. To see her exit so suddenly makes me sad. But one can take comfort in the fact that she sparkled while she was here.

  5. Mara Purl 3 years ago

    Shocked to discover this news. I was surprised not to hear from her these past two holiday seasons, but then the pandemic shifted so much for all of us. I helped her with her original script for “Lillia”, celebrated her wedding, lived her dearly. Yes, her Life continues. Please email me. Many thanks.

  6. Sveta S 3 years ago


    I occasionally saw Libby Skala at 10 W 68th, and went to Lilia! a few times, because I was so moved by it. I didn’t know her, but I loved her. I can’t explain what I saw in her eyes… the light, the kindness, the tenderness.

    A couple of years ago I looked her up and found out that she has departed this world. I can’t believe it still.

    I dreamt of her last night out of the blue, she was so near, and I had to look her up again. Please, can someone email me and tell me what really happened to her? Does anyone have a recording of “Lilia!”, or is it gone forever?

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago

      I don’t know either, except is was from unexpected natural causes.

  7. Kurt Jack Berhalter 2 months ago

    Thinking of Libby and her grandmother today. The first play l ever saw in 1971,was “40 Carats,”with an all star cast Lilia Skala,James Drury,Zsa Zsa Gabor,Michael Nouri,among others. Libby favors her grandmother. My memory is long,and holds precious thoughts. Prayers,l was hoping to contact Libby. So sorry,to hear of her passing. Two beautiful ladies,and talents. We were truly blessed.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 2 months ago

      Thanks for reaching out and sending condolences.


  1. […] Honoring Libby […]

  2. […] Libby was a dear friend who passed on unexpectedly shortly after I was here with her three years ago. At that time we sat under this tree and I learned it was one of her favorites. Yesterday morning, when I needed to pick a place to have a timelapse video done of me painting, I chose this tree, partly because I love it too, but partly in memory of Libby, since I feel her absence here. (Click here to read my blog memorial of her from 2019.) […]

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