Grace Notes #13 (with Photos)
Now I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
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An Alphabet of What God Is and Isn’t
Studying this list helps remind me to claim my own qualities and attributes that are derived directly from God.
Be in Touch with Some Vital Interest
Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling...
Carried Along Each Hour (Frank Laubach quote)
...respond to God as the violin responds to the bow of the master. Open your soul and entertain the...
Peace is Holy, Sweet Stillness
"What type of atmosphere of thought do I wish to have for myself and for the world?...
Wisdom in Four Words or Less
I follow someone on social media who asked people to offer their best advice in four words or less....
Abstract Patterns in Snow (Photos)
I encourage you to find joy in the little things that are so easy to overlook, but are around...
Prayer Nuggets #2
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
Trade Expectation for Appreciation
It's like I always tell people, most of your suffering comes from expectation. Right?
Wherever You Are (Poem by Maxine Shore)
We are all beloved of the one Father, directed, protected, sustained by Him.
EGO Means Edging God Out
Here is the important point: what the ego says is fake news! It is never true– simply an erroneous...
Freedom From Yourself (Deep Think #1)
I'm realizing that if I focus solely on the present moment, I have no story pinned to me, and...