My New Poem: An Era Ends
An Era Ends It is normal and good. No big deal in one way. Totally obvious and natural. But still there is...
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Love my Knitting Girls
This year I taught a knitting class to some precious nine year old girls whose siblings were in older...
Our Youngest Off To Herd Cattle From a Horse
I took our youngest to the airport early this morning to catch a flight to Colorado. She is going...
We Replaced Our Evergreens with a Dogwood
Blog readers will remember that we lost two huge evergreens on our corner during hurricane Sandy. After some deliberation, we...
Poem by Kahil Gibran: Your Children
Your Children Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself....
Photos of Our New Library
A while back I rejoiced with demolition photos, celebrating that our local library would finally be finished. Well here it...
Last Kid’s Forum as We Know It
Our homeschooling group has held a Kid’s Forum presentation group every month of the school year for the last...
My Article About Graduation in the Christian Science Monitor
I wrote an article about graduation titled Graduation – A Time of Renewal that was printed today in the...
A Jam Packed Van
Yesterday we packed this van to the gills, which seems like an apt phrase because when we got the...
Elements of a “Functional” Family
Respect And I don’t mean just that easy respect that comes when everything is rosy: the influential job, and...
Virginia Graduates from St. John’s College in Annapolis
We are so proud of our daughter Virginia who graduated today from St. John’s college in Annapolis. Out of...