Our Graduate’s Lovely Church Sendoff
The State College Christian Science church has been loving and supportive, and has made a big, positive difference in...
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Our Younger Daughter Graduates with Honors
We are so proud of our younger daughter who graduated with honors and a special medal of distinction today...
Our Daughter’s Ceramic Capstone Show at the Museum
Yesterday we got to see our youngest daughter's senior capstone ceramics in the college's museum.
Our Youngest Daughter Chooses a PhD Program
We are proud of her hard, focused work in her undergraduate degree, and congratulate her on making this decision...
Spring Break Shenanigans (New Poem by Polly Castor with Photos)
Too soon I take her back and oh my gosh next time I see her she'll be graduating! Then what?
Photos from the New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show
What a delight it was to capture photos of these beautiful orchids to share them with you!
Happy Birthday to our Youngest 2019
We are so glad Laura came into our lives, and look forward to finding out what the future orbits...
29 Love-filled 29’s (New Anniversary Poem by Polly Castor)
29 years ago, on December 29, we got married. (Yes, I was 29 at the time.) I'd say I'd write 29...
Books We Got for Christmas 2018
We continue to be a bookish bunch, as you can see from this post, which shows the books we...
Progress on Our Younger Daughter’s Ceramics Capstone Project
Now as a senior in college, she is half way through her "ceramics capstone" which will culminate in a...