Good Thoughts are an Impervious Armor (Deep Think #3)
Let's focus on good that we authentically are grateful for and that we understand. Try filling your thought with...
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Take My “Art of Seeing” Class (at Camp Newfound in Maine)
This is a shameless promotional blurb for the Christian Scientists in this blog community. I'd love to see...
Some Links on Eco-Theology for Earth Day
For Earth Day, here are some links to articles on eco-theology in the Christian Science periodicals for your prayerful...
Two Lists from Reading the Bible Lesson on Man
When reading the Bible lesson this morning Whit Larson was inspired to write down a list of: 1) What...
When Spirituality and Creativity Are One (Newspaper Article by Me)
Here is my Forum on Faith article that appeared in three Connecticut newspapers yesterday.
Comparing 2nd Century Christians with 2nd Century Christian Scientists
Meanwhile, these books will get you out of your comfort zone, challenge your preconceptions, and get you asking fresh...
Thoughts about Truth (Deep Think #2)
2+2=4 is an idea of God and so are you. Consider 2+2=4 and then consider what that means for...
Give Up and Be Perfect (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Notice it, embrace it, express it, get out of the way, and enjoy being the only real, wonderful you.
Our Youngest Graduates from Sunday School
Yesterday our daughter graduated from Sunday School with her friend...see photos in this post of our graduation celebration, complete...
Lessons from Moses
I'll briefly summarize the story of Moses, then I'll highlight some of the lessons my Sunday School class gleaned.
Mary Baker Eddy in a letter to James Neal
Let all my thoughts and aims be high, unselfish, charitable, meek,—spiritually minded.
Refuse to be Homogenized
It takes courage to stand one’s ground against homogeneous thinking—thinking that simply melds into what everyone else is thinking.