The Most Fun We Ever Had (Book Review)
This slow family saga is character driven and full of the everyday messiness of life.
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Braiding Sweetgrass (Book Review)
This mixes Native American values with scientific knowledge for a fantastic weave of environmental hope.
So Big (Book Review of 1924 Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Please read this forgotten gem. This unassuming book has a universal, timeless quality that I absolutely loved.
The Golden Wolf Saga (Book Reviews)
Good enough to read 1350 pages, this historical fiction of the unification of Norway, is epic in many ways.
The Book of Longings (Book Review)
I regret that this accomplished author so blatantly underutilized an amazing opportunity to write something meaningful, or at least...
Journeys to Abstraction (Book Review with Notes & Lots of Ideas)
This is an excellent book to get the back story on how some abstract art is made.
Half Drowned King (Book Review)
It was a special pleasure to read well done historical fiction of such a different time period. I give...
The Dutch House (Book Review)
If you are going to read this melancholy new novel by Ann Patchett, I suggest listening to it on...
No Crumbs Left (Cookbook Review)
This book can take staple meals in your house from ho hum to marvelous. Check out and make her...
Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness (Book Review)
This book is well written about a challenging family in the African bush.