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Leisure (poem by W.H. Davies)
By Polly Castor on August 15, 2022Read moreA poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.
11The Habit of Awe and Wonder (Quote from Kelly Givens)
By Polly Castor on August 14, 2022Read more"I believe there are certain habits that, if practiced, will stimulate the growth of humble roots in our lives...
Learning New Vocabulary with Anki Pro App
By Polly Castor on August 13, 2022Read moreIt is fun and it feels good to not just get to a place in one's learning and accept...
Fellowship Point (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on August 12, 2022Read moreI really liked this new book (just out in July 2022), although it started slow and took a long...
More Family Visits this Summer (Photos)
By Polly Castor on August 11, 2022Read moreIt has been fun to be hospitable, both at home and at our quarry swimming hole.
Cucumber Soup (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on August 10, 2022Read moreThis is a very delicate, bland, cold soup, that gets its wonderfulness from its summery mildness.
To Study the Way (Poem by Eihei Dogen with Swallowtail Photos)
By Polly Castor on August 10, 2022Read moreNo trace of enlightenment remains...
Evening Light on Pemaquid Point (New Abstract Landscape in Pastel)
By Polly Castor on August 9, 2022Read moreThe remarkable rocks, with their plunging shadows, contrasted with amazing light was precious to behold.
Playing Small? (Quote by Annie Dillard)
By Polly Castor on August 8, 2022Read moreWe are raising tomatoes when we should be raising Cain, or Lazarus.
Is Healing the Best Way to Share Christian Science?
By Polly Castor on August 7, 2022Read moreHow about we instead focus on sharing a God that is our collective and individual Life, Truth, and Love....
Cause Before Effect (New Abstract Painting in Acrylic)
By Polly Castor on August 6, 2022Read morePlease start with Cause and not effect!
Zucchini and Plum Salad (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on August 5, 2022Read moreWant something bright and different to use up summer produce?