
  • New Poem By Me: Sexuality Can Be Beautiful

    By on July 29, 2010

    Sexuality Can Be Beautiful We learn that God is all; matter is nothing. Spirit, being all, could not create...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by me: The Power of Editing

    By on July 16, 2010

    The Power of Editing For the longest time my youngest daughter wanted to write but was frustrated, intimidated and...

    Polly Castor
  • Poem: Motherhood is a Gift

    By on May 9, 2010

    Motherhood is a Gift An infant’s earnest gaze The giggling feet of a baby in a high chair about...

    Polly Castor
  • Poem: Easter Morning

    By on April 4, 2010

      Easter Morning Hungry bears awakening from hibernation Glorious spring blooms arousing from shriveled dormancy Beautiful butterflies emerging from...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by me: Life Goes On

    By on March 5, 2010

    Life Goes On Death means never more: so definitive and final. In argumentation I’ve learned to avoid saying always...

    Polly Castor
  • My New Poem: “Dull”

    By on February 12, 2010

    Dull I feel pathetic poor and covetous surrounded by affluence and the freedom it affords. Pressing my nose against...

    Polly Castor
  • Poetry by Wislawa Szymborska

    By on February 2, 2010

    This poet won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1996, and this is the first book of her poems...

    Polly Castor
  • Best of 2009

    By on December 31, 2009

    This website and daily blog have been going for a year! Thank you so much for your continued readership....

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by Me: Immaculate One

    By on December 25, 2009

    Immaculate One Self (innocent, perfect, pure) conscious (cognizant, alert, attentive, sentient) communion (trustingly at one) with God (inseparable omniscient...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by Me: Virginia’s 18th Birthday

    By on December 20, 2009

    Virginia’s 18th Birthday My oldest turned 18 quietly and without fanfare. She danced in her day at an end-of-the-term...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by me: Peripheral Gratitude

    By on November 28, 2009

    Peripheral Gratitude The obvious stuff I’m grateful for too But these often unstated things need to be added to...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by Me: Thanksgiving 2009

    By on November 26, 2009

    Thanksgiving 2009 I’m thankful for God, infinite, ever-present, all-powerful good who wanted me, made me and actually loves me....

    Polly Castor

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