Recent Food Here
Above… a tuna and fresh basil fritatta Below… fennel roasted in balsamic vinegar avocado, bean and cheese burrito with...
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Recipe: Crisp, Spicy, Roasted Parsnips
This are tasty eaten just like fries… some like them more or less spicy… Roasted Parsnip Recipe 1...
Recipe: Virginia’s Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Here are the oatmeal raisin cookies my daughter makes… Easy Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe 1 cup (1/2 pound...
Recipe: Ginger Pear Muffins
We love this ginger pear muffin recipe from Mollie Katzen’s cookbook Sunlight Cafe. The problem is they just don’t...
Book Review: Real Food Has Curves
Okay, ignoring the stupid title, I really liked this book and give it five stars. I renewed it three...
Recipe: Deluxe Tuna Casserole
This is unbelievably good, with a sophisticated hint of blue cheese… And very wholesome too: totally different from the...
Recipe: Red Lentil and Vegetable Soup
This warm, nourishing soup was perfect for lunch today, a day that was all of two degrees when...
Recipe: Pumpkin Cranberry Muffins
Want a dense, flavorful muffin with enough staying power to get you through the morning? Try these from...
Recent Food
In the last month a massive quantity of food has moved through our kitchen. We’ve enjoyed all our guests;...
Recipe: Hungarian Cookies
Blog reader Ronna shared this recipe with us maybe ten years ago and we love it. (The dough...
Best of 2010
Yeah! Celebrating my second year of this daily blog. It’s only missing three weeks from Sept/October which will...
Recipe: Gougere
Gougère is a fabulous puffy cheese bread, tasting kind of like a cheesy popover. This is one of...