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Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
By Polly Castor on December 13, 2020Read moreI encourage you to keep your own ongoing journal of your spiritual study. Here are recent pages from mine.
31God, It’s All About You (New Poem by Polly Castor)
By Polly Castor on December 10, 2020Read moreNothing but God, good, exists. Thanks be to God.
Quotes from Abraham Heschel’s book The Sabbath
By Polly Castor on December 6, 2020Read moreHere are some thoughtful bits from a Jewish classic about the Sabbath.
Praise (Poem by Rumi)
By Polly Castor on December 5, 2020Read moreThe differences are just illusion and vanity.
Spiritual Warfare (New Abstract Conceptualist Painting)
By Polly Castor on December 3, 2020Read moreWielding the sword of Truth we can be victorious. God will give you the stamina and endurance for the...