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Photo Study of the Dock
By Polly Castor on September 16, 2012Read moreThis dock has many moods and abstract demeanors. Here are a few...
00Water on Long Lake
By Polly Castor on September 12, 2012Read moreHere are some samples of the beautiful water on Long Lake, Maine...
Creative Arts Camp 2012: the People
By Polly Castor on September 11, 2012Read moreThe setting and the classes at Creative Arts Camp are great, but so are the people!
Creative Arts Camp: the Setting
By Polly Castor on September 10, 2012Read moreCreative Arts Camp meets here at Camp Newfound, a beautiful camp for Christian Scientists on the shores of Long...
Weathered Green Barn
By Polly Castor on September 8, 2012Read moreThis barn is on the road between Penobscot and Blue Hill in Maine. Even peeling paint can be...