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Make the Ordinary Come Alive
By Polly Castor on March 15, 2014Read moreDo not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is a way of foolishness.
00About the New SAT
By Polly Castor on March 14, 2014Read moreWell there has been a lot of buzz about the new revision to the SAT that will apply to...
No Formulas for Homeschooling High School
By Polly Castor on March 6, 2014Read moreHigh school is a time to tailor offerings even more diligently to the specific needs of our unique pupils...
Our Job is to Love (Quote)
By Polly Castor on March 5, 2014Read moreOur job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not...
YNAB and a Total Money Makeover
By Polly Castor on February 27, 2014Read moreI couldn’t be more pleased that my husband and I read the above book together and have launched into...