Hike Photos from Huntington State Park (January 2023)
In this post you can see the fruits of my hunt for beauty, texture, and composition in a time...
21 -
February Abstract Ice Photos from Huntington
Mother nature is fascinating, especially in her most temporal detail.
Food Photography with Recipe Links (Early Winter 2022)
This is what we've been eating over here recently.
December Hike Photos from Huntington State Park 2021
This past month my hikes included daughters and goats!
Abstract Photo Compositions of the Season’s First Ice
These are more subtle than many that jump out at me, but I appreciated them as value studies as...
Spring Again (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Emerging from winter even more mindful, spring bangs in brightly.
February Photos from our House and out our Windows
Though I haven't been anywhere this month, there has been snow, shadows, and interesting light.
Winter Quote from Katherine May with Orchid Photos from Our Window
Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible.
Photos from January Walks 2021
Here's what I had fun paying attention to on my chilly walks this month.
Photos of First Ice of the Fall
There is great reward in being mindful of the varied expressions of beauty around us.