Queen Elisabeth II Remembered
Her legacy is enormous and there are mountains of life lessons we can all learn from her...
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The Habit of Awe and Wonder (Quote from Kelly Givens)
"I believe there are certain habits that, if practiced, will stimulate the growth of humble roots in our lives...
Learning New Vocabulary with Anki Pro App
It is fun and it feels good to not just get to a place in one's learning and accept...
Self-Care and Self-Love (Blog Resources)
God has blessed all of us with you, please accept the blessing of yourself!
Live for Each Other (Frederick Buechner quote)
Your life and my life flow into each other as wave flows into wave, and unless there is peace...
We are All a Part of One Another (Vincent Harding Quote)
We are not alone in this struggle for the re-creation of our own lives and the life of our...
Guardian of the Precious Treasure (quote by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo)
We are the guardian of the precious treasure that is our own mind.
Advice on How to Apologize
If what you said or did would have bothered you if it was said or done to you, than...
Impersonalize Evil to Be the Healer in the Room
If you refuse to give evil any power, it can have no effect.
Avoid Doing it Wrongly by Doing it Rightly
Identifying the correct way to do something will steer you clear from all sorts of pitfalls.
His Body Bread and His Blood Wine? (Polly Preaching #10)
We can do what Jesus requires of us by degrees, with loads of ongoing divine help.
Can We? (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Can we throw inertia off? Can we figure out what we want? Can we chunk it down and start?...