Mary Baker Eddy in a letter to James Neal
Let all my thoughts and aims be high, unselfish, charitable, meek,—spiritually minded.
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Projects and Divine Mind’s Direction
Glide instead of trudge. Work out from perfection instead of up to it. Enjoy the refreshing breeze of...
Richard Rohr Quote on Contemplation
We have to find out who we were all along in God before we did anything right or wrong....
Eternal Truth is Changing the Universe
There is nothing outside of infinity, and ultimate, changeless Truth is infinite. How can there be something else that...
Famous Emmet Fox Quotes
"Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...
Fruits of the Spirit
Please join me in actively striving to think out from the singular, enlightened, divine Mind instead of our many,...
Poem by Ruhiyyih Khanum: This is Faith
To walk where there is no path, To breathe where there is no air, To see where there is no light- This...
Book Review: One Thousand Gifts
...her life was turned upside down and burst open by finding gratitude to God for the slightest little gifts...
Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
Once you’ve experienced the clean living high of a well connected bliss, you will not trade it for anything....
Our Politics Need Truth and Love
Given our current political climate of what appears to be separate, multiple truths, I have found it helpful to...
Book Review: The Sermon on the Mount
For a refreshing look at the basic teachings of Christianity, I highly recommend this book.
Thoughts on Body Image
I am realizing that I am not a thin mortal or a fat mortal, because I am not a...