Opinions Enslave Us as Much as Fear
I’ve been on a journey of surrendering my opinions and my wants and needs in small ways and am...
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There Must Be One Human Family (Harry Emerson Fosdick Quote)
Get together; you are fighting against the inevitable when you try to live in isolated alienation on the...
Get Rid of “Personal Sense” (Deep Think #5)
"Personal sense" is one of those great terms used in Christian Science that is so helpful once you understand...
Cultivate a Better Relationship with Yourself (Jim Palmer Quote)
People are suffering every day, not because of a deficient relationship with a deity in the sky, but because...
The Way Other People Treat Us Isn’t About Us (Rita Sharma Quote)
You don’t have to allow their judgement to become your truth.
Quotes About the Unreality of Matter
This list of quotes looks deeply beyond what appears to be to what is real instead.
The Cure for Shyness (Lucille Ball Quote)
People didn’t think about me half as much as I gave them credit for. The truth was, nobody gave...
An Alphabet of What God Is and Isn’t
Studying this list helps remind me to claim my own qualities and attributes that are derived directly from God.
We Are Not In Competition (New Poem by Polly Castor)
You are valid. Me being valid too does not make you less so.
Expect Limitless Good (Edward A. Kimball Quote)
Learn to operate according to the law of the divine Mind; learn to let this Mind be in you,...
Snootzelfruits (& Why We Created This Helpful Word)
"Snootzelfruits" is a lot more fun than "shouting 'what' from other rooms"!
Be You Faithfully (Jen Hatmaker Quote)
Be more concerned about being honest than admired. Resist self-preservation & embrace revelation, because the world is looking for...