Art Show: Duncan Martin’s 58 in 58
He painted 58 paintings in 58 months in 58 National Parks. Doesn't that sound like wonderful fun?
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The Print Assemblages of Marion C. Honors
I enjoyed this show done by a Catholic nun named Marion C. Honors.
Featured Artist: Mark Gould
I love the abstract landscapes painted by Mark Gould, and thought you would too.
Visiting Alain Picard’s Studio
I’ve enjoyed visiting Alain Picard’s studio recently. It is fun to watch him work, grow, and become successful as...
Featured Artist: Jane Davies
As I’ve been studying up on both mono-printing and mono-printing collage, it didn’t take long for Jane Davies’ work...
Featured Artist: Erin Hanson
Erin Hanson is one of my favorite living artists. If I had money and wall space I would be...
Recent Beading by Our Youngest
I thought you might want to check out some of the recent beading projects by our youngest daughter. They...
Featured Artist: Brooks Anderson
I am headed up to Maine to my annual Creative Arts Camp where I will have the privilege this...
Featured Artist: Birger Sandzen
I absolutely love the work of Sven Birger Sandzen. The painting above is my favorite of his, with a...
Featured Artist: Jill Hoy
When I was in Stonington, Maine last summer, I really enjoyed seeing Jill Hoy’s artwork. I was also glad...
Featured Artist: Constance Bacon
I have been working in the pottery studio on sgraffito pots which you saw here on this blog. I...
Intaglio Prints by my Mother
Here are the intaglio prints my mother did that I own. (Intaglio is a difficult process of acid etching...