My Sister’s Family Comes For Lunch
To most of you this event may not seem newsworthy, but this is the third time these folks have...
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This Year’s First Swim at the Quarry
It’s been a stunningly beautiful weekend. We went for our first swim of the season, and could not...
Mother’s Day 2012
My husband bought me a bouquet from Costco: I’m not sure what the exotic spiky orange flowers are that...
Visiting our Oldest Daughter at St. John’s College
We have come to visit our oldest daughter, who is a junior at St. John’s College in Annapolis. ...
Our Youngest Turns 15
Our youngest quietly turned fifteen today. She was out of the house for an extended pottery class this...
50 Ways to Show Kids You Care
This list was in our local paper and I thought it worth sharing: 1) Acknowledge them 2) Learn...
Gone Back to College
Our oldest daughter left yesterday to go back to college after a three week vacation with us, which was...
My Son’s Senior Picture
I brought my two daughters to the photographer when we had my son’s senior picture taken,
Movie Review: Courageous
I took a friend’s recommendation that every husband and father should see this movie, and went to see it...
New Poem by me: Bonding and Balance
Bonding and Balance While I advocate being a noble gas with outer atomic shells initially complete, most elements do...