Mark Twain’s Rules on Writing
Here are Mark Twain's Rules of Writing (from Mark Twain's scathing essay on the Literary Offenses of James Fenimore...
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Memoir Class: First Day
I am at Creative Arts Camp on the shores of Long Lake in Maine yet again – for my...
Reminiscences of my Mother
My mom’s mother was strong and smart, a beautiful lady with thick hair and lavender eyes. She didn’t get...
My Good Friday Sermon 2013
Every year for the past 13 years I have given a sermon at our clergy association’s three hour community...
The Sheep Only Hear the Shepherd’s Voice
Jesus said, “the sheep follow him for they know his voice.” (John, chapter 10) I heard a story about...
Our Daughter Finished Her Senior Essay!
Our daughter is rightfully euphoric to have completed her senior essay and turned it in last night. This 42...
“You Live a Charmed Life”
A blog reader actually said that to me yesterday. To quote my Dad’s mother, “Ha!” It is only because...
Automatic and Semi-Automatic Weapons
Overall this is a blog about hope. I would feel remiss not addressing this challenging issue here. These are...
Sandy Hook Elementary School Killings
Yes, that’s Newtown, a beautiful, idyllic part of my own community – the kind of place horrible things don’t...
Gratitude Requires Action
I wrote the piece below for a newspaper column spot for the Saturday following Thanksgiving, but by mistake it...
Writing Prompt: The Petoskey Stone Mouse
For my writing class at Creative Arts Camp we were asked to bring a favorite small object. I...
Short Prayers
The Bible says in Matthew 23:14, “Woe unto you... for making long prayers.” All this suits me since...