Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
Check out my notes in this post, of the ideas that struck me as most needing to be contemplated...
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Study Journal
As in studying anything, I particularly recommend putting what you are learning in your own words.
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Study Journal
Here are my most recent jottings and notes in my Bible study journal.
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
My ongoing, in depth, Bible Lesson study goes on. See in these pages what I've been both thinking about...
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
I encourage you to keep your own ongoing journal of your spiritual study. Here are recent pages from mine.
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
Take a peek and see what I've been thinking about during my daily spiritual study.
Bible Lesson Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Take a peek inside my spiritual study. I encourage you too to use a journal for yours.
Bible Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Here are the six weeks most recent pages in my brand new Bible Lesson Journal...
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Study Pages
I have found writing down what I'm are working on spiritually is a helpful practice. It may be helpful...