Going Back to Maine Today for Creative Arts Camp
I go back to Maine today for my fourth time at Creative Arts Camp. I will be without internet...
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Two New Paintings
Last night I was what my mom would have called “beside myself.” I was exhausted and would have gone...
My Most Recent Painting
I really enjoyed painting this one in the sun on my front porch, while sitting in one of our...
My New Painting
A photo of the full painting is below. The rest of the photos are close-up shots of details. What...
Today’s Painting
I read somewhere that effective abstract art should work from all directions. I had to move this around...
Today’s Painting
It was the first real balmy day today, with sublime air, pungent with pine needles and the promise...
Today’s Painting
I painted this today. I’ve had a day of contemplation — trusting God can sometimes be difficult full-time work. ...