Valentine Flowers and Newtown Love
When I went to the grocery today to buy cauliflower for my sweetheart’s Valentine’s Day dinner I was delighted...
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Book Review: Unbroken
Wow, this book was a tour de force! Even though it was excruciating to read, I give it five...
The Christian Science Monitor Picked Up My Article!
My most recent local newspaper article was picked up today by the Christian Science Monitor! I thought you...
The Sheep Only Hear the Shepherd’s Voice
Jesus said, “the sheep follow him for they know his voice.” (John, chapter 10) I heard a story about...
Newspaper Article by me: Understanding God Helps Alleviate Suffering
Here's my most recent article in the Danbury News Times: A long time ago, before I knew anything about...
New Poem by me: Immunity and Impunity
Did God make guns?/ I don't think so./ What about disease?/ I don't think God made that either. ...
Church Lectures for Newtown and Prayers Felt
I just came back from a talk given for Newtown by Christian Science lecturer Suzanne Reidel as an offering...
Best of 2012
Wow. I’ve finished four years on this daily blog. That's 1,424 entries! Here are the best posts of 2012...
Christian Science Quotes I’ve been Pondering
“Ah, children, you are the bulwarks of freedom, the cement of society, the hope of our race!” Mary Baker...
Gratitude Requires Action
I wrote the piece below for a newspaper column spot for the Saturday following Thanksgiving, but by mistake it...
What Do Christian Science Practitioners Look Like?
I thought some of you might be curious to see what Christian Science Practitioners look like. We are deep...
What is Truth?
Below are some of my preliminary thoughts regarding Truth, gleaned from the Bible and Science and Health with...