Photos of Albuquerque (Hotel, Sunsets, and Flowers)
While I finish up my only two day workshop, and post about it tomorrow, I thought I'd share my...
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Photo Compositions from the Air (Flying to Albuquerque)
I love the grids and circles, the rivers and cloud shadows, the suburb layouts and the lone farms. It...
We Cleaned Out Our Garage! (Before and After Photos)
We spent Memorial Day working hard on a miracle garage makeover, and unearthing family furniture for our daughter's new...
Other Graduation Weekend Photos (Including a Few Bloopers)
And maybe more than anything, it was a joy to see our daughters’ love for each other in their...
Our Younger Daughter Graduates with Honors
We are so proud of our younger daughter who graduated with honors and a special medal of distinction today...
Spring in the Neighborhood (Photos)
In the time our weeping cherry tree has been blooming, we have gone from being surrounded by bare branches...
Photos of Local Flowering Trees
Enjoy this burst of color, and pretend is is a May basket spirited onto your doorknob... the love is...
Fabulous Forsythia (Photos)
I have so often been whipping out my iPhone to capture their massive, but wafting, saturated color that there...
I’m Lichen It (Photos)
I took these pictures of some of this vibrant green introducing itself after months of gray, brown, and white....
How to Resurrect (New Easter Poem by Polly Castor)
Resist hurt, Refuse to be defeated, Release blame, Assuage guilt...
A Field of Daffodils (Photos)
Rejoice too! Spring is here! Beauty surrounds if you'll only step out and see it!
Adventures in Abstraction Two Day Workshop I Taught for CPS
Check out these photos from my exercise intensive workshop that I gave last weekend for the Connecticut Pastel Society...