
  • My Other New Oil Painting

    By on September 12, 2009

    This oil painting I finished just before we left Maine to drive home. It is 18” x 24” and...

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    Polly Castor
  • Biking Acadia Carriage Roads

    By on September 11, 2009

    This is the fourth year in a row I have done this same 18 mile bike ride of the...

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    Polly Castor
  • Eastern Shoreline of Mt. Desert Island

    By on September 10, 2009

    Today we visited the eastern shoreline of Acadia National Park’s main island at Sand Beach and near Thunder Hole....

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    Polly Castor
  • Schoodic Peninsula

    By on September 9, 2009

    My daughter and I made our annual trek to the Schoodic Peninsula which is another separate region of Acadia...

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    Polly Castor
  • Isle Au Haut

    By on September 8, 2009

    We had an awesome day on our trip to Isle Au Haut, which is a southern remote island of...

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    Polly Castor
  • Labor Day Fog Dispersing

    By on September 7, 2009

    I awoke to dense Labor Day fog, and pondered it in depth on the dock. The last time we...

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    Polly Castor

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