Late Summer Farmer’s Market (Still Life Photography: Produce and Flowers )

Late Summer Farmer’s Market (Still Life Photography: Produce and Flowers )

Late Summer Farmer's Market Photos, Still Life Photography

I am religious about the farmer’s market. I believe in it wholeheartedly. I believe in supporting my local farmer, and eating with the lowest possible carbon footprint. I am also inspired by the beauty of color and shapes found there. It’s about community, it’s about sustainability, it’s about buying local, it’s about zero waste, it’s about glorying in the abundance of God’s amazingly diverse creation. The fact that all this tastes amazing and is better for you is only the icing on a cake that I was already loving anyway. Every time I go, I overflow with gratitude, which feels so good.

The photos taken on my picnic table represent the food I bought and that we ate in any given week.

All that fresh sweet corn I bought was to make and freeze my yearly Sweet Corn Chowder that we’ll enjoy on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Enjoy these photos of the profusion of marvelous bounty. I can see how these weekly visuals totally effect my art, can’t you?

I encourage you to frequent your own local farmer’s market!


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John gregory 4 years ago

    Carrots entwined? “Hanging on to summer”.
    In Provincetown. What a beautiful spot. Most inspiring.

  2. Susana Brown 4 years ago

    Your photos of the summer harvest in New England are GORGEOUS! The color intensity, the light, the focus, the composition combine into exceptional pictures.

  3. Sue Krevitt 4 years ago

    I feel …Stuffed Full of Bountifull Joy
    At this Abundant Supply of Good from
    Life! Sure, one could see only dusty veggies,
    but that that would be “through a glass,

    Again, Thanks fer Sharin’, Polly!!

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