Listen to Me Be Interviewed on The Everything Enthusiast Podcast

Listen to Me Be Interviewed on The Everything Enthusiast Podcast

Polly Castor Interviewed on The Everything Enthusiast Podcast

I was honored to be interviewed on The Everything Enthusiast Podcast. This came about through my husband’s podcasting contacts. The host, Jennie O’Conner, was searching for renaissance people to interview, and he referred her to me.

This interview was tons of fun to do because we instantly recognized in each other a kindred soul who understands! In a world of specialization, where we are constantly told to live small and do only one thing, it was a delight to converse with someone else who also understands the blessing of doing the full range that you are called to do.

Our unvarnished conversation here is wide ranging, and I talk about both my past and a new project that I’ll be announcing on the this blog later this week.

You can listen to the 45 minute episode of me being interviewed through this link here:

Polly Castor on Authenticity (or Why You Should Cross-pollinate) – Episode #023

In the photos on this post you can see some of the social media buzz Jennie put out for this episode. It’s a little over the top, but I enjoyed her every bit as much, and you should know she’s also now a fellow blog reader here as well.

I thought Jennie did a great job of interviewing me! Don’t you agree?

I hope you give this interview a listen and share it with the people in your life that can also benefit from it.



I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John gregory 4 years ago

    I have always thought
    “Art is Math”

    Thank you for sharing this.
    Strange, nothing surprising here.
    You are who you are.


    • Author
      Polly Castor 4 years ago

      That’s what authenticity is about! So simple and straightforward.

  2. Dilys 4 years ago

    You are such an inspirational person Polly! I love everything you share with us – such a joy to have your daily input in my inbox! X x x


  1. […] That so many people liked my interview by The Everything Enthusiast (see here). […]

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