Approaching the Universe (monoprint) by Polly Castor
The Vast Limitlessness of Knowledge
What is the thing
that most gets in the way
of learning something new?
The mentality that says,
“I already know that.”
Ho hum. Pish posh.
Moving right along.
Can’t teach an old dog
new tricks. Refuse to be
an old dog. Be perky,
fresh, ready to try,
content to be astonished.
Ask questions.
Probe. Be curious.
Expand your thought.
Try new things.
Push boundaries.
Evaporate obstacles.
Respond differently.
Quell complacency.
Be willing to be wrong.
Put yourself in
someone else’s shoes.
Challenge the status quo.
Delve deeper.
Dive beneath the surface.
Explore the unfamiliar.
Go where you’ve never gone before.
Do something unexpected.
Chafe against complacency.
Look for new insights.
Value divergent perspectives.
Improve regularly by one percent.
Increase your compassion.
Grow in patience.
Investigate anomalies.
Observe more closely.
Request more information.
Humble yourself.
Get new directions.
Own that there
may be a better way.
Admit you may not know it all.
Become more intrigued.
Investigate possibilities.
Wonder about every detail.
Obtain new skills.
Grasp advanced concepts.
Establish a crisp
pattern of unending,
invigorated realization.
Plumb the complexities of
eternally unfolding truth,
never stagnant, idle, or bland.
Come up with original creativity.
Bring light to every speck of darkness.
Illumine your own comprehension.
Discover the vast limitlessness
of knowledge. Stretch yourself.
Settle for nothing less.
by Polly Castor

Interlaced Ambiguities (monoprint) by Polly Castor

Subliminal Questions (monoprint) by Polly Castor
I can!
I will!
I shall!
I want to!
I could!
I need to!;-))
Lovely, Pollly! Beautiful artwork and uplifting thoughts.
When one of my daughters was a teenager she asked me what my ambitions were. I answered that it was to enjoy seeing her and her siblings grow up. She asked me why I didn’t have any ambitions for myself!
That set me thinking in a new direction and shortly after that I embarked on a degree course with the Open University. (I hadn’t been to university when I left school). This is a distance learning establishment and one can study alongside working full time, as I was at that time. I absolutely loved learning new things and enjoyed the challenges along the way.
So yes, try new things and limit less!
Love this message – it definitely spoke to me! Always need to remain open to new thinking and ways to accomplish things 💕 Your monoprints remind me of Sam Gilliam pieces I saw yesterday @RinglingCircusMuseum exhibit