Artist in Residence Summary 2018

Artist in Residence Summary 2018

Well, I have just completed my first time ever being an Artist in Residence, which is something I hope to have a chance to do again, both in this program and in other places. Above you can see my little show of what I made during the week, set up in the dining hall on the last day. I accomplished a lot, even though I was teaching half a day, going to talks and programs, and still busy working in my spiritual healing practice as well.

In this post below, you can see the artwork I did there, in addition to this previous post when I shared the work I did early in the week, while also there. I focused earlier in the week on black and white paintings utilizing value contrast and depth, then later in the week did this college work concentrating on pattern. Below you can see my exotic deck studio in the woods where I worked, as well as the myriad collage papers I made to do these black and white collages.

Doing all this was a fun, positive experience. I thought I would get more pastel landscapes done than I did, but too often I only had late evenings, early mornings, and little snippets with which to work. The little black and white project was better suited to those conditions.

And what did folks say about the work that I did during my little “show” above? Predominantly, the word that was applied was “prolific.” I think this stemmed from them seeing how much else I had going on, and knowing I had done all this on limited time. Prolific is not a bad word, and I hear it also a lot in relation to this blog, but it is more of a character trait, or an approach to life, than any feedback about the art itself. And it leaves one to wonder, is it too much? If I had been an Artist in Residence only, I think I would have planned fewer more time consuming projects, that may have looked like far less, even though they would be much more time consuming than the minor explorations shown here in this post.

Tomorrow I”ll write my summary post about Creative Arts Camp this year, with tons of photos!


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.

1 Comment

  1. Karen Montanaro 7 years ago

    As I remember, the most predominant word was not “prolific” but “WOW!” And that instantaneous reaction was not in response to the volume (or prolificity) of your work, but the burst of soul’s expression that met our first glance.

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