Wow. I’ve finished five years on this daily blog. That’s 1,825 entries!
Until this blog becomes searchable –hopefully in this coming year– I have a tradition of making an extensive “best of” list with links, which folks (including me) have found it especially helpful to cycle back to for reference. (See previous lists: Best of 2009 , Best of 2010 , Best of 2011 and Best of 2012.) Bookmarking these can be a handy help in finding that entry you will want to utilize in the future. For those that joined up with this blog mid-year, you can check out what you missed in your favorite category. You also may wish to forward this list to someone you think might enjoy this blog…
By no means is this an exhaustive list of links, even though it contains more than a small selection. These are the ones you guys responded to the most, so I thought they would be the ones you’d want as a reference.
And please note, that although they are sorted by category for convenience’s sake… many cross over categories as well!
(Needless to say, clicking on any underlined link with take you directly to that blog post.)
- New Oil Painting: Nascent Bud
- Featured Artist: Paul Trowbridge
- I’m in this Show at the Guild of Artists
- Featured Artist: Henry Isaacs
- New Abstract Painting by Me: Italian Opera
- Four Recent Collages of Mine
- Recent Watercolors in My Artist’s Journal
- Inventing Abstraction Show at the MOMA
- I Made This Bowl in Pottery
- Pinajian Discovered
- Two Sketches of Boston
- Four Dotted Gouaches in my Artist’s Journal
- New Abstract Oil Painting: Spontaneous Combustion
- Featured Artist: Normand Chartier
- New Pottery Bowls and a Ceramic Frog
- My New Oil Painting: Sunset Harbor
- Featured Artist: Sonia Agosti
- My New Pastel Step By Step
- I’m in this New Pond Farm Art Show
- My New Oil Painting: Praise You Like I Should
- My New Acrylic Abstract
- My New Handmade Tile Backsplash
- Four Stonington Beach Oil Paintings
- Prayer Paintings and Condolences
- I’m in this “Bedlam” Art Show
- Featured Artist: Marion Dioguardi
- New Painting: Underlying Issues (with Process Photos)
- Playing with Oil Resist
- Today’s Plein Air Oil Painting
- Art at Swarthmore
- My Mom’s Abstract Watercolors
- Intaglio Prints by my Mother
- Two Abstract Paintings in Oil Pastel
- Two New Abstract Paintings
- My First Sgraffito Pots
- Some Recent Pages in my Artist’s Journal
- Featured Artist: Constance Bacon
- Two New Abstract Paintings
- Pottery I Made My Husband for Christmas
- Photos of Our Kids at the Inauguration
- Homeschooling Art Fair 2013
- Photos of Frost on Our Windows
- Our Youngest Turns 16
- Bowling with Homeschoolers
- Demolition Photos
- I’m in This Photography Show
- Photo of Healing Newtown Clay Date
- Photos of Lobsters and Lobsterman
- Photos of Young’s Lobster Pound
- Photos of Heavy Machinery
- Day Before Virginia’s Graduation
- The Day After Graduation
- Photos of Syracuse University
- Last Kids Forum as We Know It
- Photos at the Heirloom Seed Festival
- Homeschool Prom 2013
- Used Curriculum Sale 2013
- Lamb Photos
- Photos from my Morning Walk
- Photos from my New Walk Route
- Our Daughter at the College of the Atlantic
- Foggy Morning in Stonington
- Water Lilies at Ames Pond
- A Deer Isle Sunset
- Stonington Beach is Wonderful
- Lobster Paraphernalia
- Camping with Susan on Isle au Haut
- Macro View of Isle au Haut
- Micro View of Isle au Haut
- Isle au Haut Sunsets
- Laura’s Quarry Party 2013
- Black and White Photos from Maine
- August 2013 CSA Produce
- Creative Arts Camp Photos 2013
- Printmaking Class
- Photos from Recent Hikes
- Newtown Arts Festival
- Biking Along the Housatonic River
- Zinnia Bouquets
- Roses at Swarthmore
- Recent Black & White Photos
- Photos from my Mom’s Memorial Weekend
- First Photos with my New Camera
- Housatonic Reflections
- Fall Photos
- The Marvelous Mundane
- Staying with Aunt Clara and Uncle Harvey
- Thanksgiving in Texas
- Photos of Palo Duro Canyon
- Our Daughters Climb to the Top of a Butte
- Texas Sunset
- Newspaper Article by me: Understanding God Helps Alleviate Suffering
- The Sheep Only Hear the Shepherd’s Voice
- The Christian Science Monitor Picked up My Article!
- Becoming Official Hospital Clergy
- Bible Study for a Gifted 12 year Old
- Forgiveness in Newtown
- Thomas Merton Quote
- Quoting Myself
- My Good Friday Sermon 2013
- Biblical Truths About You
- Newspaper Article by me about Earth Day
- Growing New Not Old
- My Article about Graduation in the Christian Science Monitor
- One Anothering
- My Newspaper Article: Christian Scientists Triumph Over Accidents
- My Newspaper Article: Opposing GMO’s
- The Medium of Man
- Please Pray about Syria
- Reading Science & Health on the Internet
- Rumi Quote
- Quotes about the Struggle
- My Newspaper Article: See Beyond the Masks at Halloween
- My Article in the Christian Science Monitor: Waging Peace
- Amazing Grace
- Eternal Life is Now
- My Monitor Article About Newtown Choosing Love
- Misc Bits and Clips
- Recent Quotes from Friends on Facebook
- Our Son Made this Clock on a 3D Printer
- Some Interesting Info-graphics
- More Bits and Clips
- Save Money with Retailmenot
- Elements of a Functional Family
- Some Quotes about Children and Education
- Sources for Free Ebooks
- Some Good Bits and Clips
- Quote: She Let Go
- Reminiscences of my Mother
- Some Recent Links I Recommend
- What Healthy Looks Like
- Mark Twain’s Rules on Writing
- My Bear Stories
- Way of Life App
- Quotes by Einstein
- More Bits and Clips
- Lots More Bits and Clips
- Fun Word Game We Played at Dinner
- Book Review: What the World Eats
- Book Review: The Art of Urban Sketching
- Book Review: Flight Behavior
- Book Review: The Shoemaker’s Wife
- Book Review: Miss Buncle
- Book Review: Unbroken
- Book Review: Abstract City
- Book Review: The Reluctant Widow
- Book Review: The Flight of Gemma Hardy
- Book Review: Georgia O’Keefe and Her Houses
- Book Review: The Power of Habit
- Book Review: Death Comes to Pemberley
- Book Review: Steal Like an Artist
- Book Review: Out of Our Minds
- Book Review: The Lawgiver
- Book Review: Spy in a Little Black Dress
- Book Review: Wild
- Book Review: The Marriage Plot
- Newtown Library Sale: Board Books and Picture Books
- Book Review: Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore
- Book Review: Robert McCloskey
- Book Review: Handling the Truth
- Book Review: The Inheritance of Loss
- Book Review: The Widower’s Tale
- Book Review: Beautiful Ruins
- Book Review: A Small Farm in Maine
- Book Review: 100 Ways to Motivate Others
- Two Cool New Science Books
- Book Review: Dancers Among Us
- Book Review: Help Your Kids with (Math or Science)
- Book Review: Prisoners of the Sea
- Books Our Family Got for Christmas
- Pottery Books I Got for Christmas
- Book Review: The Circle
- Movie Review: Eight Below
- Movie Review: Quartet
- Movie Review: The Hobbit
- Movie: Life of Pi
- Movie: The Holiday
- Movie: Seabiscuit
- Movie Review: The Lorax
- Movie Review: The Butler
- Movie Review: Austenland
- Movie Review: Frozen
- How to Keep Pesto Green
- Recipe: Roasted Carrots
- Recipe: Garlic Lover’s Lentil Soup
- Recipe: Crab and Corn Chowder with Bacon and Thyme
- Recipe: Crustless Seafood Pie with Celeriac Mash
- Recipe: Delicious Baked Onions
- Recipe: Cauliflower and Fish Chowder
- Recipe: Black Pepper Tempeh
- Recipe: A Better Banana Bread
- Recipe: Baked Eggs Over Power Greens
- Recipe: Salmon Cakes
- What We Eat in a Week at Our House
- Recipe: Strawberry Mango Cobbler
- Recipe: St. Patty’s Day Soup
- Recipe: Carrot Ginger Soup
- Recipe: Lemon Ginger Scones
- I Saw the Barefoot Contessa Live
- Recipe: Breakfast Bake with Sweet Potato, Bacon, & Cheddar
- Recipe: Chickpea, Avocado and Arugula Salad
- Recipe: Great Homemade Dressing for a Terrific Apple Salad
- Recent Food Around Here
- Recipe: Crustless Leek and Gruyere Quiche
- Info-graphics: Organics Not GMO’s
- Recipe: James’ Butterscotch Brownies
- Recipe: Eggplant Parmesan Crisps
- Beautiful Morning at the Farmer’s Market
- Recipe: Farro, Tomato & Herb Side Dish
- October Tomato Harvest
- Recipe: Toasted Muesli
- Recipe: Broccoli with Parmesan and Pine Nuts
- Recipe: Mexican Stuffed Peppers
- Some Foodie Info-Graphics
- Recipe: Coconut Curry Shrimp
- Recipe: Tomatillo Sauce
- Recipe: Ellie’s Autumn Curry
- Recipe: Chachouka
- Recipe: West African Peanut Soup
- Recipe: Cheesy Leek Toasts
- Recipe: Roasted Winter Vegetable Frittata
- New Poem by me: Immunity and Impunity
- New Poem by me: Bolts in a Fabric Shop
- My New Easter Poem: Fruitful Bounty
- A Poem About Happiness by Naomi Shihab Nye
- New Poem by Me: Benign
- New Poem by me: All Wandering Stars
- Poem by Woodruff Smith: Genesis 1 or Genesis 2
- My New Poem: Permission
- My New Poem: An Era Ends
- New Poem by Me: I’ll Never Get Away
- Poem: You took Me In
- Poem: Isle au Haut
- Poem: My Mother Passed On Today
- New Poem: The Problem with Bullies
- New Poem: Floating Down the River
- New Poem: God is Doing the Doing
- Poem by Leslea Newman
- New Poem: Toward a Both/And World
- New Poem: The Nightmare or the Dream
- “You Lead a Charmed Life”
- Church Lectures for Newtown and Prayers Felt
- Grad School Applications are Done!
- Sandy Hook Snowflakes and Promises
- Our Daughter Finished Her Senior Essay
- Our Daughter’s Team Won FIRST Robotic’s Spirit Award
- Christian Science Monitor Healing Newtown Article Shared
- A Little Humor
- Quote About Working Towards Peace and Bliss
- Our Daughter has Decided on a Graduate School
- We Went to Our Daughter’s Oral
- Virginia Graduates from St. John’s College in Annapolis
- A Jam Packed Van
- Tesla: A Car of the Future
- Our Daughter Moves in and Starts at Syracuse
- Proud of my Town for Voting No
- I Picked Our Daughter up from Her Summer Program
- Our Son Turns 19
- Some Humor
- Our Son Has Legally Changed His Name
- Parent’s Weekend at Swarthmore
- My Mother’s Memorial Service
- Goodbye Saab, Hello VW
- A Visit to Smith College
- Aunt Ruth
- Tribute to Nelson Mandela
- Sandy Hook a Year Later

Spontaneous Combustion (oil) by Polly Castor