I just came back from the above talk given for Newtown by Christian Science lecturer Suzanne Reidel as an offering to help our community to get back on their feet following the disastrous events of almost a month ago, which I blogged about here. (See Suzanne’s photo below taken with my iPhone; the lecture this evening was held in the white steepled church shown below across from the flag which is now at half mast…)
Suzanne shared several examples about how what we accept in our thinking has direct bearing on our experience. She made it clear that the enemy is fear and never anything that God, divine Love, made; and God can trounce fear every time. His presence – and the divine messages we get when we reach out in prayer – can help us understand that we are not vulnerable to chance and evil. We cannot get outside of God, and there is our safety and security. Light overcomes darkness, not the other way around, and each and every one of us are to manifest that saving light in this world, one thought at a time.
The lecture was well attended both with church members and by those effected in Newtown, including some readers of this blog. I have been asked if there was a video of this lecture today, and unfortunately there was not, although the lack of that presence gave the occasion an air of healing sanctity that I do not regret.
However, there was recently a very different, but good talk given in a local non-denominational church by bestselling Christian author Phillip Yancey.
You may want to watch this short video clip of what Newtown is like (with children and prayers in the background), but I hope you definitely read this statement written by the father of one of the children killed. It says in part, “So many people have told us they can’t imagine or comprehend what we’ve been through…[but] we feel you comprehend us completely, utterly and fully. We feel, all of us, more comprehended than we ever thought possible. And we have no idea how to let you know the depth of the significance of this….We have felt loved in the past, but that previous measure was a thimble as to this boundless sea. You are at once our ocean, our vessel, and the wind that fills our sails.”
All our prayers have been felt, and they are continuing, ever more effectively.

Suzanne Reidel, Christian Science speaker
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[…] Church Lectures for Newtown and Prayers Felt […]