Evening Fog in Ridgefield
I found the moist refraction and haloed colors of the lights fascinating.
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Black and White Snow Photos
Yes, it has been still snowing here, regardless of the calendar changing to March. However temperatures have risen, and...
New Poem: Sabbath Snow Day
More sabbath snow yet again canceling church once more so our most recent amaryllis is only able to flaunt its glory...
Snow Photos
We’ve had a very snowy season here... most Monday and Tuesday activities have been cancelled since New Years. I...
Recipe: The Perfect Snowy Day Soup
This is a heart-warming, easy to make soup that is great to warm up the toes of shovelers and...
Amaryllis Photos
I can’t help myself. Every year I have a post of these glorious flowers that are made all that...
Now Comes Quiet
Now is the season of snuggling under downy covers. Now is the season of cuddling in our warm woolies...
Prayer in a Blizzard
Given that we are expecting anywhere from 16 to 36 inches of snow in the next twelve hours, I...
Photos of Fast Moving Cold Water
I thought you might enjoy my recent photographs of fast moving cold water. They were a challenge to...
New Poem: Blue Shadows on Snow
Blue shadows look like piecework in an art quilt or thin indigo washes in a watercolor
January Amaryllis
Nothing like being the flower committee at church to have an excuse to have a bunch of amaryllis blooming...