20 Ways to Follow Jesus in 2020
Following Jesus' example in these ways could make 2020 your best year yet.
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Resolutions: Polly’s 20 for 2020
I'm taking full responsibility. Doing all this will make this an amazing year.
Not Responsible for Creating Good (Keitha Walker Quote)
We don't have to make good real. God already has.
The Openness of Compassion (quote by Chogyam Trungpa)
Compassion is not an us/them thing, but more like the sun that just shines, regardless.
Newspaper Article on Compassion by Polly Castor
Often the idea of compassion is mixed up with the words sympathy and pity. I would describe the difference...
Don’t Block Your Unique Expression (Martha Graham quote)
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and...
Interlude of Utter Unwinding (New Poem by Polly Castor)
When we cease all our trying, we hear better.
Tattoos on the Heart (Book Review)
This book is written by a Jesuit priest who has a ministry among the competing gangs in a ghetto...
Guideposts for Wholehearted Living
Here are the 10 things to cultivate and let go of to live wholeheartedly, as stated by Brene Brown...
Love Outwardly and Willingly (Russ Gerber Quote)
Being spiritually-minded is, in a manner of speaking, being globally-minded. It requires dropping narrow, self centered thinking ...