Our Children Campaigning for Elizabeth Warren (Photos)

Our Children Campaigning for Elizabeth Warren (Photos)

Campaigning for Elizabeth Warren




I’m proud of our two children who have been campaigning for Elizabeth Warren. Both have looked up to Elizabeth Warren for almost a decade. Our son read Warren’s book on fiscal responsibility while still in high school, and our daughter wrote grad school application essays citing Warren as a role model. Both have followed her career for a long time.

Our son has been campaigning for Elizabeth Warren for about eight months, and even took two weeks of vacation time to work on her campaign in chilly New Hampshire. The rest of the time, he’s been volunteering for her in Virginia. (He says it has become clear to him that if Warren was a man, she’d be doing much better, which has made him more sensitive to sexism in the media. Unfortunately, Warren is often not given play when her male counterparts are.) Our daughter has been campaigning for Elizabeth Warren in California. You can see photos of their experiences throughout this post.

Being involved in this way has been wonderful for them. I am so very grateful for their passion, engagement, effort, and all the energy that they are putting behind what they believe. I am very grateful they are so informed and participatory in the process. I’m grateful they know their voice can make a difference, and that it is important to stand up, be heard, and to be part of making history. In a country where, in 2016, over 46% of citizens did not even vote, I think this is especially laudable.

Whoever you vote for, I hope you vote. Don’t act like your vote doesn’t matter. Our nation needs each and every one of us to take part and be represented.

I know this blog is not about politics, but the day after the last presidential election I lambasted myself for saying nothing and being complicit in an outcome I considered abhorrent. So while I do not want to alienate any blog readers of any stripe– for I truly do love you all– I will not stand idly by this time. Count on me being respectful, moderate, and definitely not domineering about it, while emphatically not neutral.

So I may as well say I’ll be voting for Elizabeth Warren too when the primary comes to Connecticut. And this has nothing to do with my children’s involvement, we just all came to the same conclusion.

Elizabeth Warren is the leader that can unite the Democratic Party to defeat Trump. She is competent, is more centrist (while still wanting universal healthcare and student loan forgiveness), is fiscally responsible, and most imperatively, she has both sound plans and the tireless tenacity to put them into effect, in a way no other candidate does. She was formerly a Republican (until she was 46); she could lean over the aisle and attract dissatisfied Republicans, while at the same time, she is the candidate the Republican Party most fears having to oppose, which I think says a lot. She’s a fighter for equal rights for all, and will persist with practical initiatives until that is accomplished. She has a sense of humor and is relatable; she desires to serve others and not herself. She is younger and healthier than her male counterparts, with enough staying power to remain in office eight years, given the opportunity. She has uncommon integrity and moral fiber, and is aligned against corruption. She is the only one with the dogged debating skills necessary to take Trump down in a debate.  This combination is way more than I see any other ticket offering.

It is absurd to act like it is now down to between Biden and Bernie because of those exiting the race. I want to emphasize that it is not too late for Warren if you vote for her. Forty six states have yet to vote, including the 22 most populous states. 96.1% of the convention delegates that Democrats will vote to award remain up for grabs. Like we’ve just seen in South Carolina, a candidate’s momentum can be reversed in a single day. With your help, it can yet happen for Warren too.

So if you have an opportunity to vote in the American democratic primary, consider voting for Elizabeth Warren. Don’t hedge your bets, vote for what you consider your best hope. But most importantly, vote!

Here’s to Super Tuesday and to bringing integrity and competency back to the White House.





I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Joseph D Herring 5 years ago

    Congratulations for taking this public stand. Perhaps the prevailing platitude- don’t mix religion and politics- is an attempt to sideline the two most important public issues of life. When the leadership is morally vile, intellectually vacuous, and temperamentally narcissistic, one must speak out.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      Thank you so much Joe. Your support means a lot.

  2. LOREE A. OGAN 5 years ago

    I so agree with Joe that discussion is critical-we shy away from speaking for fear of alienating those around us, But if someone REALLY cares about you, your opinions should matter.

  3. Dilys 5 years ago

    Awesome Polly!

    I live in the U.K. but I think everyone should vote. Many in the world don’t have the option and my Mum taught me that women fought hard to get me the right to vote!

    One has to stand up for what one believes!

  4. Sue Krevitt 5 years ago

    Yes, Warren is definitely my choice! However, Trump MUST be defeated, “at all costs.” This cost just may be that we have to vote for the Democrat candidate MOST likely to beat him: Biden.


    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      I will vote to defeat Trump no matter who the Democratic nomination is, but while we are in the primary stage, we do not have to give up and think it is a forgone conclusion. I for one do not think it is Biden that has the best chance of beating Trump. Who would you rather debate Trump, Biden or Warren? I vote Warren. Who do you think would be a better President, Biden or Warren? Again I vote Warren. We are not yet at “all costs!!”

  5. Karen Liljedahl 5 years ago


    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      So great to hear from you! xx

  6. Gillian Smith 5 years ago

    Polly you and yours have encouraged me to take a closer look at Elizabeth Warren – thank you for that! G

    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      Unfortunately, right now she’s looking very marginalized! xx

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