Creativity and Spirituality are Interconnected (Quote by Julia Cameron)
God is the Great Artist. We are creations and we are intended, in turn, to be creative ourselves.
Your Whole Life is a Curriculum of Love (Jack Kornfield Quote)
Love is a sacred wellspring that never runs out.
Stay Awake by Surrendering to this Moment (Richard Rohr quote)
In the garden of Gethsemane, the last words Jesus spoke were, “Stay awake.” In fact, he says it twice...
Relinquish Fears that Block Love (Marianne Williamson Quote)
Self perception determines our behavior...
Slip out of the Noose of Your Anxious Self (Sogyal Rinpoche quote)
"Above all, be at ease, be as natural and spacious as possible...
Listen to Trees (Herman Hesse quote)
Ponder trees. Learn their lessons. Feel their spirit. Emulate them.