Stop Us/Them Thinking
We must choose to consciously put a stop to polarized thinking of every stripe, and begin to fastidiously embrace...
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World Parliament of Religions
One of my blog readers recently attended the Parliament of World Religions, and shared with me some photos...
A Tribute to Wayne Dyer in Memes
Check out some of what I especially appreciate that he advocated shown in memes here in this post...
Live the Questions
Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live...
Now Comes Quiet
Now is the season of snuggling under downy covers. Now is the season of cuddling in our warm woolies...
A Quarry Day at Last
We belong to a swimming hole that used to be a Quarry, and this place is usually not only...
Unloading the UBox
Our oldest daughter and I are back in Sacramento to move her into her apartment today. I woke up...
Association of Religious Communities’ 40th Anniversary
We attended a 40th anniversary benefit gala for ARC (Association of Religious Communities) this evening.
Memorial Day 2014
As we remember those in the military with gratitude today, can we please pray as well to collectively, avoid...
Elizabeth Gilbert on Wisdom and Healing Rifts
I was talking about a rift I'd had recently with another friend, and how this split had been causing...
Our Job is to Love (Quote)
Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not...