Christmas Candy Color Poem (mixed media) by Polly Castor
Advent a Puzzle of Waiting
As we humbly linger in the vigil of Advent,
the whole world holds its breath.
We can listen to it inhale, hoping against hope
(while clouded a bit by doubt)
for this is unknown territory
because maybe, for once, it isn’t about us after all.
Should we reconsider our course?
What should we do? How should we handle it?
How do we accomplish the needed changes?
Our hearts expand and ponder, dithering
until at long last we are led
in an explosion of revelation
to offload what we
are worried about and struggling with
those vexing difficulties
we routinely, regularly ruminate about, so repeatedly
and suddenly, in a flash of acquiescence
we simply let God work it all out
for which we will happily wait
and attentively watch
anticipating Him
to dazzle us
in His own manner and time
showing us the way
to put down
all our hurts and human will
for what a relief it would be
to be truly unburdened,
lighter, open, and ready
to be surprised by grace
in all its mildness and power
obtaining mercy, restitution, and resolution
like obscure jigsaw puzzle pieces
put back together in place
by a mighty, patient, deliberate, and knowing hand
forming a glorious picture
of His plan and purpose for us all:
one of harmony, mutual respect, and eternal love.
by Polly Castor
A very fine Advent poem.
Thank you very much. I value your opinion!
I like it! I’m impressed by it. I like the qualities of mercy and patience. Thanks for sharing.
and relief! xx
I like where this poem takes you , Polly – I think it works – why don’t you submit for publication ???
I’m glad you like it. Where do you suggest publishing it? The CS Publishing Society asks for all rights, which is why you don’t see my poetry there. I wish they’d find a work around for that, because that policy eliminates serious poets. If you have other ideas, I am all ears.
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