Such static power chomps at the bit restless to fly free but meanwhile, moored on a glassy calm...
Be green and supple, fresh and growing, for heaven is like a watered garden.
Then we can find what bliss really is and finally be at liberty to be our best...
We are like the Israelites overburdened by their Egyptian taskmasters and eager to escape for the Promised Land.
This thunderstorm sounds like the surf...
I muse that being apart is part of being together.
As we humbly linger in the vigil of Advent, the whole world holds its breath.
A lot of us around here saw this awesome sunset. I know because we were all talking about it.
I agree that we need to do more with metaphor:
Unless a person submits to this original creation—the 'wind-hovering-over-the-water' creation, the invisible moving the visible, a baptism into a...
Why does this stuff exist? It is such an irritant.
Unplug, unplug, unplug that devious, subtle, concealed, and sometime overheated projector of lies.
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