Posts tagged with ‘life lessons’

  • So Today was my Birthday

    By on February 7, 2010

    So today was my birthday. There was no fanfare, no surprise parties on yachts encircling Manhattan, no two-seater, bright...

    Polly Castor
  • What Oprah Knows for Sure

    By on February 5, 2010

    I admire Oprah and the authenticity she has stood for; she has been an example to America that authenticity...

    Polly Castor
  • Weight Loss Competition

    By on January 18, 2010

    Today I’m doing something I’ve never done before. Stephen R. Covey’s quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing and...

    Polly Castor
  • On the Sudden Passing of a Good Friend

    By on January 13, 2010

    My dear friend Jill unexpectedly passed on last night. She will be heartily missed. We knew each other primarily...

    Polly Castor
  • Goodbye VW (last decade); Hello SAAB (next decade)

    By on January 1, 2010

    A new decade seems like practically a whole new epoch. This is all symbolized for me right now by...

    Polly Castor
  • A Seminar on Socrates’ Apology by Plato

    By on November 7, 2009

    The parents were given the homework of reading Plato’s Apology, which is his account of Socrates’ defense at his...

    Polly Castor
  • Photos of a Wordless Walk

    By on October 26, 2009

    I was inspired to invite my husband on an unusual walk today, where we both agreed in advance that...

    Polly Castor
  • New Poem by Me: Compassion Not Criticism

    By on October 11, 2009

    Compassion Not Criticism When you criticize you fail to comprehend that everyone is dealing with more than anyone can...

    Polly Castor
  • On Fire About Church

    By on October 1, 2009

    Driving home from church last night, my husband and I expressed gratitude for our individual and mutual commitment to...

    Polly Castor
  • Eye of the Beholder

    By on August 25, 2009

    I have been contemplating rainbows recently, spurred by something I read in the Sentinel magazine (see here). As a...

    Polly Castor
  • Surrender Not Control

    By on August 20, 2009

    A friend of mine used this title phrase in casual conversation last night, and I can’t even remember what...

    Polly Castor
  • Judy’s Twelve Life Lessons for Creativity

    By on August 17, 2009

    I have some awesome friends. One of them is Judy Reilly. She was a fellow church member here for...

    Polly Castor

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