New Poem: Shine it Away
Imagine a dark room behind a closed door but the hall light is on and when you open the door...
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Energy Instead of Mass
We usually consider matter as solid, but it is far from it. The closer you get to looking at...
Working like Spirit Does
A month ago, I blogged about being positive as the first entry in a project of more consciously imbibing...
F. Scott Fitzgerald Quote
For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want...
Be Positive and Don’t Bear False Witness
A month ago a blog reader and I agreed to take one quality of Spirit each month and focus...
Free Print Christian Science Lectures
This is an unnecessarily bare-bones site graphically, but it has tons of print lectures on Christian Science available from...
My Newspaper Article About Evil
I think we will all ultimately experience evil as impotent, because we will each realize that we prefer to...
Notes Made on Art and Spirituality at Camp
I love Creative Arts Camp in Maine. The people are terrific: the convergence of art with Christian Science is...
My Newspaper Article on Forgiveness
Throughout my life I have had many opportunities to forgive people. My indispensable go-to approach in these situations is...
The Reading Room in Downtown Sacramento
I enjoyed visiting this awesome Christian Science Reading Room in downtown Sacramento. I love how it was designed to...